Wellness Program Resolution 2014

Establish Wellness program of the JCSC by the JCSC and for the JCSC:

1. Reduce calories of traditional Jain meals served at JCSC by selecting healthier options that include Jain meals with more protein, less sugar and sodium. The goal is to reach a 25-35% calorie reduction starting with the Anniversary Program in May of 2014.

2. Implement programs to educate and bring more awareness to the community by way of mass media communications such as emails, articles in the JCSC bi-monthly magazine on a more periodic basis.

3. Expand current food committee to include 2 new members with more healthy eating background as appointed by the wellness committee.

4. Allow a selection of Healthy Food choices in the RSVP process for all JCSC event.

5. For successful implementation of the above policy:
a. Appoint a liason or a co-coordinator from BOD to work with Wellness Group
b. Start personal coaching for health risk reduction
c. Develop activities such as weekly challenges, yoga, meditation, and senior activities
d. Offer health education seminars, cooking classes, videos, speakers, doctors, nutritionists
e. Work with clarity, transparency and visibility
f. Provide a link on the JCSC website to access the wellness website
g. Wellness group to assist in finding sponsors for this program