Starting Sunday, August 05 @ 11:59 PM, until Sunday, August 12 11:59 PM  your challenge is to ...


The Weekly Health Challenge is based off of the health guide that suggests that there are 3 factors for overall health and wellness:

For the past 9 weeks, we've given you challenges based on exercises, nutrition, and stress management.

 This week, we challenge you to reflect on a factor that you feel you should focus on.

 Here are the previous challenges to choose from:


  • Walk a total of 10 miles | Week 1
  • Walk a total of 14 miles | Week 5

  • Do not eat any fried foods | Week 2
  • Do not drink soda, diet soda, or high fructose corn syrup | Week 3
  • 10 Servings of fruits and vegetables | Week 4
  • Drink one ounce of water for every 2 pounds of your weight each day | Week 6
  • Do not eat after sunset | Week 7
  • Avoid the three white refinded carbs | Week 9

  • Do 3 hours of yoga | Week 4
  • Meditate for a total of 4 hours | Week 8

  • This challenge was closed on 8/12/2012

    74  members have accepted this challenge.
    45  members have completed this challenge.

    Congratulations to these participants for completing the challenge. 
    Amita S Desai 
    Anjana Shah 
    Apurvi Shah 
    Bhavna H Doshi 
    Bijalkumar P Shah 
    Bina Doshi 
    Darshna J Shah 
    Deepa P Vachani 
    Geeta H Khona 
    Hardika Shah 
    Hark M Vasa 
    hemanshu p BADANI 
    Hemant v. V Gandhi 
    Jagrut M Shah 
    Jigger M Mehta 
    Kamal Parekh 
    Ketan Shah 
    Kinna P Gandhi 
    Kirit Shah 
    Manu R Shah 
    Minaxi N Choksi 
    Nachendra Bellur 
    Naresh K Chadha 
    Nitin Shah 
    Parul D Gandhi 
    Parul M Shah 
    Prabha G Parekh 
    Pradeep K Shah 
    Prafulla R Shah 
    Pravin Dagli 
    Rajesh Mehta 
    Rajesh H Shah 
    Rajul Vasa 
    Rika M Shah 
    shailesh m desai 
    Shashi S Jain 
    Smita R Shah 
    Smita V Doshi 
    Vaishali J Mehta 
    varsha shah 
    vidhya sridhar 
    Vikram P Doshi 

    The Weekly Health Challenge is a self-audited program designed to motivate the JCSC Wellness participants in reducing BMI on a weekly basis.

    How it works:
    1. Each week there will be a new health challenge. You can accept the challenge by accepting the pledge for each challenge. You can only accept a challenge from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

    2. At the end of the week, you can declare if you have completed the challenge. You can only mark a challenge as completed from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

    3. Every week, the participants that complete the challenge will be recognized on this page.

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