Starting Sunday, February 23 @ 07:23 AM, until Sunday, March 01 07:23 AM  your challenge is to ...

Don't live to eat eat to live

Eat to live don't live to eat

In this week's challenge you must Don't live to eat eat to live . Food is necessary for all our daily physical and physiological activities. Thus we need food to survive, for strength and energy. Ask yourself am I really hungry? this will prevent you from over eating. Hunger is the physical symptoms you feel when your body is trying to tell you it needs more fuel, such as an empty, growling sensation in your belly or maybe a light headedness or even a headachy feeling. Now, let’s be honest. How often do you REALLY experience those symptoms? For most of us, not that often. Our brains are being tricked into thinking we’re hungry because we are literally bombarded with external stimuli that make us think we’re hungry. Food addiction, mindless eating, living to eat; they’re all related. A desire to consume foods that are not necessarily the healthiest choices or the best quantities, or at times when our bodies don’t really need fuel. Self-awareness about why you’re eating what you’re eating and what caused you to eat it. People think that eating to live means giving up all your favorite foods, that you’ll never be able to enjoy a meal again. This is not true. You just look at the reason you’re eating differently.

Eat to live don't live to eat

Manage food portions at home

You don’t need to measure and count everything you eat or drink for the rest of your life. You may only want to do this long enough to learn typical serving and portion sizes. Try these ideas to help manage portions at home:

  1. Take one serving according to the food label and eat it off a plate instead of straight out of the box or bag.

  2. Avoid eating in front of the TV, while driving or walking, or while you are busy with other activities.

  3. Focus on what you are eating, chew your food well, and fully enjoy the smell and taste of your food.

  4. Eat slowly so your brain can get the message that your stomach is full, which may take at least 15 minutes.

  5. Use smaller dishes, bowls, and glasses so that you eat and drink less.

  6. Eat fewer high-fat, high-calorie foods, such as desserts, chips, sauces, and prepackaged snacks.

  7. Freeze food you won’t serve or eat right away, if you make too much. That way, you won’t be tempted to finish the whole batch. If you freeze leftovers in single- or family-sized servings, you’ll have ready-made meals for another day.

  8. Eat meals at regular times. Leaving hours between meals or skipping meals altogether may cause you to overeat later in the day.

  9. Buy snacks, such as fruit or single-serving, prepackaged foods, that are lower in calories. If you buy bigger bags or boxes of snacks, divide the items into single-serve packages right away so you aren't tempted to overeat.

Manage portions when eating out

Although it may be easier to manage your portions when you cook and eat at home, most people eat out from time to time—and some people eat out often. Try these tips to keep your food portions in check when you are away from home:

  1. Share a meal with a friend, or take half of it home.

  2. Avoid all-you-can-eat buffets.

  3. Order one or two healthy appetizers or side dishes instead of a whole meal. Options include steamed or grilled—instead of fried—seafood or chicken, a salad with dressing on the side, or roasted vegetables.

  4. Ask to have the bread basket or chips removed from the table.

  5. If you have a choice, pick the small-sized—rather than large-sized—drink, salad, or frozen yogurt.

  6. Stop eating and drinking when you’re full. Put down your fork and glass, and focus on enjoying the setting and your company for the rest of the meal.

Suggested Reading:

How Many Meals Should You Eat per Day? - Learn more here.

Eat to live don’t live to eat - Learn more here.

This challenge was closed on 3/1/2020

0  members have accepted this challenge.
0  members have completed this challenge.

The Weekly Health Challenge is a self-audited program designed to motivate the JCSC Wellness participants in reducing BMI on a weekly basis.

How it works:
1. Each week there will be a new health challenge. You can accept the challenge by accepting the pledge for each challenge. You can only accept a challenge from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

2. At the end of the week, you can declare if you have completed the challenge. You can only mark a challenge as completed from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

3. Every week, the participants that complete the challenge will be recognized on this page.

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