Starting Sunday, October 31 @ 07:23 AM, until Sunday, November 07 07:23 AM  your challenge is to ...

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

In this week's challenge you must scrape up 10 minutes for morning workout challenge . Exercising in the morning is one of the best ways to build lasting energy for the day. On top of energy, morning exercise helps your body to burn fat all day as you go about your regular routine. This challenge offers modifiable morning workouts that require no weights, and are designed to rev up your metabolism. Waking up any earlier than you need to on any given day can be a scary thought. As much as we want to sleep in to grab every extra second of sleep, it turns out that those few extra minutes mean nothing in terms of all day energy. Instead, performing the exercises in this 7-day morning workout challenge can boost blood flow and get your heart and energy pumping for the day to come!.

7-Day Morning Workout Challenge

  • Equipment needed

    a yoga mat or soft surface and an interval timer (your phone’s timer will work great.)

  • What to do:

    Choose 5 exercises out of the 10 to perform each morning. Be sure to cycle through each of them throughout the week. Perform each exercise for one minute with no rest in between. If doing multiple rounds, rest 1 minute in between each round.

    Beginner Level: 1 round

    Intermediate Level: 2 rounds

    Advanced Level: 3 rounds


  1. Push-ups
  2. Superman
  3. Bridges
  4. Triceps Dips
  5. Toe Touch
  6. Alternating Side Lunge
  7. Squat Jump
  8. Jumping Jacks
  9. Mountain Climbers
  10. Burpees

Suggested Reading:

10-Minute Morning Workout to Start Your Day - Learn more here.

Reasons Why I Workout Before My Kids Wake Up - Learn more here.

This challenge was closed on 11/7/2021

0  members have accepted this challenge.
0  members have completed this challenge.

The Weekly Health Challenge is a self-audited program designed to motivate the JCSC Wellness participants in reducing BMI on a weekly basis.

How it works:
1. Each week there will be a new health challenge. You can accept the challenge by accepting the pledge for each challenge. You can only accept a challenge from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

2. At the end of the week, you can declare if you have completed the challenge. You can only mark a challenge as completed from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

3. Every week, the participants that complete the challenge will be recognized on this page.

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