Starting Sunday, February 05 @ 07:23 AM, until Sunday, February 12 07:23 AM  your challenge is to ...

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

In this week challenge you must Eat a Healthy Breakfast.Whether it’s 8:00 am class, getting the kids to school, or early practice on the soccer field, take the time to have a nutritious breakfast. Breakfast provides essential nutrients that are stored as energy to fuel you through your day – this means less snacking! Smoothies are a great example of a meal that can be prepared quickly or a head of time, stored in the fridge, and grabbed on your way out the door.

Benefits of Eating Healthy Breakfast:

  1. Breakfast decreases appetite

    Studies have shown that consuming breakfast first thing in the morning greatly decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day. Weird right? A lot of people skip breakfast to avoid eating extra calories, but by eating a high-fiber, nutrient-dense breakfast early in the morning, you are actually less likely to be hungry throughout the day.

  2. You eat less

    This is kind of an add-on to the first benefit of this list. By decreasing appetite, you are less likely to be hungry, and thus, less likely to eat. If you are a skeptic, a study conducted by the Journal of Nutrition in 2018 showed just this, as subjects who ate breakfast reported decreased levels of hunger throughout the day in comparison to the subjects who ate no breakfast.

  3. You will improve your memory

    Carbohydrates are essential for healthy brain functioning. By consuming a high-quality breakfast to start your day, you can improve your memory and concentration levels, as well as improve your mood and lower stress. Different studies amongst children have shown that kids who eat breakfast tend to have improved cognitive skills and perform better at school

  4. You can prevent type 2 diabetes

    You read that right. There is significant research showing that you may be able to prevent diabetes by regularly eating a healthy breakfast. In a study conducted over a 10-year program, researchers found that people who regularly ate breakfast decreased their risk of diabetes by almost 30%. A possible explanation for this is that skipping breakfast can cause insulin resistance, which is a feature of Type 2 Diabetes.

  5. You will weigh less

    A study conducted in Europe conducted in 2010 and published in the Critical Reviews In Food Science and Nutrition, showed that those who ate breakfast had a reduced risk of obesity and had healthier BMIs.


When you skip your morning meal, you are telling your body that food may be hard to come by and that it should conserve energy. Thus, what happens is, is your metabolism slows and your body attempts to store fat. Fortunately, we are no longer attempting to survive in the wild and we have a plentiful source of food and calories. However, your body does not know this. By eating breakfast to start your day, you will jumpstart your metabolism and be well on your way to reach your health goals.

Here are a few tips to eat healthy breakfast :

  1. Mash Your Fruit into Jam

  2. Grab healthy on-the-go food items like fruit, yogurt, english muffins (whole grain), and granola bars.

  3. Peanut Butter Waffles (ditch the syrup and add peanut butter).

  4. Replacement shake

  5. Plan ahead to eat breakfast.

  6. Swap jam for nut butter

Suggested Reading:

16 Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas That Are Ready in 10 Minutes or Less - Learn more here.

19 Healthy Breakfasts for When You Don’t Have Time to Eat - Learn more here.

10 Ways to Trick Kids into Eating a Healthy Breakfast - Learn more here.

This challenge was closed on 2/12/2023

0  members have accepted this challenge.
0  members have completed this challenge.

The Weekly Health Challenge is a self-audited program designed to motivate the JCSC Wellness participants in reducing BMI on a weekly basis.

How it works:
1. Each week there will be a new health challenge. You can accept the challenge by accepting the pledge for each challenge. You can only accept a challenge from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

2. At the end of the week, you can declare if you have completed the challenge. You can only mark a challenge as completed from midnight on Sunday to midnight on Tuesday.

3. Every week, the participants that complete the challenge will be recognized on this page.

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