Archive for the ‘Nutrition’ Category

Questions Regarding Super Foods

Aditi Shah, Registered Dietitian, answers some popular questions about super foods. Check it out: What are the different sources of plant based Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Vegetarians? Good sources of ALA (Plant based Omega 3): 1. Canola Oil 1TBSP = 0.94 g/serving 2. Ground flax seeds 1 TBSP = 1.6 g/serving 3. Flaxeed oil 1 […]

Dialogue With Dietitians: Importance of Daily Vegetables

A question from Dinesh Gandhi: Since we are all Vegetarian, can you please include importance of leafy vegetables in our daily meal? (examples: Methi, Palak, Tandaljo, Suva, and more) So, we ask our dietitians, can you provide us nutritional values and importance of eating such vegetables in the comments below? If other participants have any questions, please […]

A Health Hazard

2011 – Depart of Nutrition (SJSU) Sodium is required in the body to maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balance, to assist in nerve impulse transmission, and muscle contraction. Though sodium is found naturally in almost all foods in varying amounts, in the food industry, salt is added as a preservative against harmful microorganisms and to […]

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Pass the Banana

The banana is the penultimate fruit that provides nutrition. A banana gives an instant, sustained, and substantial boost of energy. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to our daily diet. Here’s all the reasons why bananas are beneficial for your health: Depression: Bananas […]

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Parantha, Naan, or Rotli: Which is the healthiest choice?

2011 – Depart of Nutrition (SJSU) Sometimes we need to visually see which is the healthiest of each option. Take a look at the table below and decide for yourself which is the healthiest option for your next meal. Image by @checkmihlyrics Breads/Rotlis:   Carbohydrates are a major component of the diet and should provide […]

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