Testimonial # 1

We received an email from one of our JCSC Wellness Challenge participants. Here’s what Harkishan M Vasa has to say…

Since signing up for JCSC health and wellness challenge 3 weeks back, I made a few change in my food intake and I cut out 3 items:

Rice, Potatoes and Soda.  This has been  very effective. In just last 3 weeks , by taking regular walks and cutting out potatoes, rice and soda, I have lost 4 pounds towards my 5% goal of 9 pounds. I think, if all participants do the same, we all can easily exceed our goal of 5% weight loss in the next 6 months. I am now setting my personal goal to go down from 165 pounds to 152 pounds ( approx 8% reduction) by Dec 2013…

Congratulations, Hark! This is a great and inspirational start to the challenge.

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  1. Deepa vachani Says:

    Jcsc has been a motivator for me.It keeps me in track especially the food side because sometimes you get side tracked even though you haveknowledge of what to eat and what not toI have succeeded in contolling my carbs especially the rice potatoes.Sodas I had stopped longtime ago.I have cut down on fried foods especially at parties.I dont eat naan and eat about half cup rice of rice.

  2. Kaajal Says:

    I like the Weekly challenges. Challenge 2 is a tough one, but I am sure I will make it.

  3. Dr Mehta Says:

    The challenge has motivated to walk 6 miles every day.

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